Welcome to the Autumn Term
We start the term with some new resources and areas to explore. Over the summer break we have replaced the climbing frame and soft play areas. We have also created a construction area for the children to enjoy and explore.
Indoors our home corner has some exciting new wooden food and accessories which the children have enjoyed unpacking. They have enjoyed lots of role play creating picnics, breakfast trays and sweet/ice cream shops.
Our focus for this half term has been ‘All About Me’. We have incorporated news from our summer holidays, through discussion and photos shared by the parents. We have also shared photos of our families and discussed our family members in detail. The children were invited to create a family portrait to put on our display.
The children have been learning about friendships and how to be kind to one another, taking turns and sharing resources. Everyone coloured in a petal to add to our Friendship Flower.
We now move on to exploring emotions and encouraging the children to express their feelings through songs, stories and activities. The Colour Monster story is helping us understand our feelings through the representation of colour. The children have also had opportunities to make their own emotion faces by looking in the mirror and mark making their facial features onto a face template. We have also created life size drawings of the children and they have been using coloured tissue paper to represent their feelings through colour.
We have incorporated caring for our pets at home and at Pre School. They have been invited to feed, care for and clean our animals and their enclosures, promoting their responsibilities within the setting. Our parents have shared photos of family pets from which we have created a scrapbook to share with the children.